Fox Family
"We were grateful to have such an excellent resource in the neighborhood! Our older daughter is starting her senior year of high school well positioned for college applications and our younger daughter is starting 9th grade excited about school and learning. We appreciate all the support from Firefly!"
Rich Family
"Our two sons have substantially improved their math performance since starting their sessions with Firefly. One of our sons really dislikes school and frowns on math, yet the tutors at Firefly have made math more fun and interesting and he actually seems to like going to Firefly! We've been surprised and grateful to see their attitudes change along with their aptitude. Our thanks to all the staff at Firefly. We appreciate you!"
Ragsdale Family
"... Dylan started at Firefly ten years ago and his sister followed shortly after. Dylan just graduated from high school and Caitlin is a sophomore and will resume her weekly tutoring sessions in the next few weeks... That one-on-one time is absolutely invaluable... Thank you for filling a need... Firefly has been such a gift and we are forever grateful. We have loved every minute of being a part of your tutelage!"